Island (Huxley Aldous),
The Island of Dr. Moreau (Wells H. G.),
Island of love (Cartland Barbara),
Island of the Day Before (Eco, Umberto),
Five on a Treasure Island (Blyton, Enid),
Island of the Doomed (Dagerman, Stig),
Islands in the Stream (Hemingway, Ernest),
The Island of Adventure, (Blyton, Enid ),
Five on Kirrin Island Again, (Blyton, Enid),
Adventures of Tintin "The Black Island" (Hergé),
The Possibility of an Island (Houellebecq, Michel),
The Island of Sheep (Buchan, John),
Shutter Island (Lehane, Dennis),
Treasure Island (Stevenson, Robert Louis),
Concrete Island (Ballard, J. G.),
Hobson's Island (Themerson, Stefan),
John Bull's Other Island (Shaw, George Bernard),
No Man Is an Island (Donne, John),
Station Island (Heaney, Seamus),
An Outcast of the Islands (Conrad, Joseph),
Barrier Island (MacDonald, John D.),
Easter Island The Mystery Solved (Heyerdahl, Thor),
Ellis Island A Reader and Resource Guide (Perec, Georges; Bober, Robert),
Hawaii The Past, Present and Future of Its Island-kingdom - An Historic Account of the Sandwich Islands of Polynesia (Hopkins, Gerard Manley),
Jerry of the Islands A True Dog Story (London, Jack),
Money Makes You Crazy Custom and Change in the Solomon Islands (McDonald, Ross),
Mysterious Island (Verne, Jules),
No Man Is an Island (Merton, Thomas),
Of Time and an Island (Keats, John),
Penguin Island (France, Anatole),
Pig Island (Hayder, Mo),
The Aran Islands (Synge, John M.),
The Floating Island (Verne, Jules),
The Greek Islands (Durrell, Lawrence),
The Swiss Family Robinson Or Adventures in a Desert Island (Wyss, Johann, David),
Victory: An Island Tale (Conrad, Joseph),
Virgin Islands (Vidal, Gore).
Ajout le 15 juin 2015 : le remarquable premier roman de David Vann : Sukkwan Island (lu sur le conseil de l'excellent Didier Lesaffre)
Lucien Suel
Libellés : Lucien Suel, Poème-liste